Having trouble with getting a refund for your tickets?
In case you are not able to get in contact with the airline about refunding your ticket, we are here to help! Fill a refund request and we will contact the airline behalf of you to get a refund for your cancelled flight.
The service fee is 19 € + 5% of the cost of the ticket money. Service fee is applied after successful processing of the refund request, i.e. at the moment when the ticket money is back on your bank account.
Fill a refund request
Lennuabi has many years of experience in dealing with airlines, but if we do not receive an answer, we will take your claim to court. By doing so, the chances of getting a solution are significantly higher. Lennuabi will bear the legal costs.
Each case is different and it is not yet possible to identify a specific time, but on average the whole process should not take more than a few months.
The service fee only applies if the process is successful, i.e. if the money has been repaid by the airline.